How to Increase Your Penis Size

Penis size is a very sensitive subject for men. If you have a penis size problem, you are probably asking yourself how to increase your penis size. For women it’s having bigger breast that makes them feel really sexy but for men a bigger penis makes them more manly and masculine. Although some women admit that penis size doesn’t matter, people think that these women are lying to protect their partners. Most women still prefer larger penis and men still think that women like men with larger penis to fill her up and make her feel better during lovemaking. Men think that they lack one major thing if they don't have a large, thick penis and they should do something about it. If you really want to know how to increase your penis size there are options you can take.

One option to know how to increase your penis size is by using penis pumps. This method work temporarily with reports of about 2 inches increase in size. The use of this method is very uncomfortable, as you need to put the tube over your genitalia and pump the air out of the tube. It is not recommended to use daily and misuse could result to swelling or serious injury to your penis. There is also a risk of improper blood circulation in your penis. Of course if you feel any discomfort, you need to seek a doctor’s advice.

The second on the list of how to increase your penis size is by taking penis enhancement pills and using creams. The problem with these pills and creams is the unknown contents and you don’t know what would be the side effects.

Some are brave enough to go under the knife to enlarge their penis. Surgery is one expensive and scary method to learn how to increase your penis size. The procedure costs at least $6000 and there is the risk of impotence. This is the last option a person could take. With the risks and the costs involved you have to think more than 100 times to go through this method.

If you are experiencing stress in your sex life and not satisfied with your penis size, you will probably take action and find the solution on how to increase your penis size. But did you know that there is a safer and natural way to increase your penis size without surgery, pumps, pills or silly gadgets? Enlarge your penis from one to four inches, completely naturally and safel
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Natural Penis Enlargement: How to strengthen your erection and gain control over when you reach orgasm

As you no doubt already know, millions of men and women alike obsess over the subject of penis size. You see jokes on TV referencing the issue, overhear people in the street discussing the topic, and read – on a daily basis – of the displeasure and embarrassment of men with small penises in the columns of dozens of magazines. So it pretty much goes without saying that penis size is an internationally popular subject of debate.

So, what can us men do about what we have down south? And what do women really want from us and our members? Is it sheer size they want? Length? Girth? Both? Neither? The whole thing’s a quagmire of uncertainty and guesswork – at least, on the surface. You see, when you actually ask women (under the right circumstances!) what matters to them regarding their sexual partner’s penis size, you get some interesting and pretty encouraging answers. First off, a large portion of women do love BIG penises, simply because of the pleasure that they can so often bring. The majority of women aren’t size queens, however, but DO universally look and hope for two definite attributes in the penis of their potential partners, neither of which relates to size. The first can be classified as ‘power’ & ‘strength’, the second is lasting power. Power and strength in a penis is shown through it’s hardness when erect and the angle at which it points. A weak erection is quite soft and droopy, a powerful erection, full of strength, is the opposite: rock hard, meaty and robust – and it’s what women crave, and savour when they encounter it. Lasting power, as you can probably guess, is quite simply an ability to use that rock hard erection for a long enough time period, without ejaculating too soon. So, how can a guy improve his penis strength and give it more weight and power and an improved angle of erection? The answer lies in a simple exercise, performed every other day of the week for a couple of months. Its effectiveness is noticeable in just a couple of weeks, but its true capability can produce amazing results that last a lifetime.


Step 1: Massage yourself to a full erection.

Step 2: Place a LIGHT flannel or wash-cloth onto your penis near the base.

Step 3: ‘Tense’ your penis so it bobs gently, lifting the towel a little. Tensing and releasing once constitutes one repetition.

Step 4: Do up to 25 reps, but stop if you feel you can’t do that many. Do 25 reps every other day of the week for a few weeks.

Once you’ve been performing towel hanging for a while, you’ll notice 2 main results: First, your penis will be rock hard when you have an erection, veins will be more noticeable and it will look and feel weightier. Many men even report an added half inch in length and girth due to the increased blood flow to the penis. Second, your ability to hold back from ejaculating while masturbating and having sex will be massively increased. The reason for this is because you’re exercising your PC muscle when you do towel hanging, which is central to the functioning of your penis and is also what triggers ejaculation prematurely when it’s unfit and un-toned.

Roger is a ‘personal trainer’ at Penis Advantage– a site containing a guide that details exactly how any guy can enlarge his penis using natural exercises and techniques, as well as how to improve their sexual performance, restore their foreskin or correct a curve in their erect penis.

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Foreskin Restoration – How to Attain a New Foreskin Using a Simple Exercise Any Man Can Learn and Use

By the 1970’s, 80% of American infant boys were being circumcised. These days that figure is lower, at 60%, but still pretty massive when compared to the international average, which is a mere 15%.

The fact that you’re reading this article suggests that you’re circumcised and have at least some interest or curiosity in the subject of foreskin restoration – that is, getting back the skin around the head of your penis that you no longer or have never really had. You’d probably be surprised at how many circumcised men are interested in the subject, too. Years ago, you’d never hear about it, because circumcision was much more widely accepted as the norm and as the obvious option to take by many parents. Today, however, with the discussion of sex and sex-related subject matter considered much less of a taboo, people are thinking outside the box a little more. For example, it’s now agreed in all medical and most social circles that being uncut or uncircumcised is not at all unhygienic or “wrong.” Furthermore, fewer and fewer men are embarrassed about being uncut when in public locker rooms or when messing around with a girl for the first time.

So, that leads us to an interesting set of questions. First, is it possible to restore your foreskin (without surgery!) and second, what benefits would restoring your foreskin offer?

Using simple exercises (like the one below), it IS completely possible to create a new “hood” of skin that covers some or all of your penis head for the first time ever. And although you can never truly get back what was taken away when you were young, you can enjoy the following advantages once you’ve “restored” your foreskin:

1. Because the head of your penis is now covered by skin, it will no longer rub against the fabric of your underwear. This means the maximum amount of your penis sensitivity is maintained and that your penis doesn’t become too dry, as it would if exposed to the air all the time like a circumcised penis.

2. Sex and masturbation can become more pleasurable; thanks to the increased “slack” skin that covers your penis. This skin – your new foreskin – allows your penis to glide in and out much more freely and pleasurably during intercourse.

3. Natural penis enlargement exercises are MUCH easier to do because, as above, of your new ability to slide the skin of your penis up and down. Because of the increased ease with which you can perform wet and, most notably, dry jelqs, the amount of new size you can add to your penis using natural penis enlargement exercises is often increased by up to 70%.

Here’s how the first foreskin restoration exercise is performed:

1. Obtain a full erection by gently massaging your penis.

2. Now do 30 - 50 PC contractions and fill your penis with blood - you need your penis to be as erect as possible.

3. Grip your skin firmly at the base with an ‘OK’ grip and slide your hand up the shaft with the hand keeping contact with the same area of skin. (Do not move your hand over the skin). At the moment you feel the skin really start stretching, hold that position for a count of 10 seconds or until your erection starts to subside, whichever comes first.

4. Now repeat steps 1 to 3 and do this exercise for 5 - 10 minutes per day. On the last 5 stretches of the day, increase the stretch slightly each time so by the last stretch, you are pulling the skin toward your head as hard as you can without feeling pain.

Get into the habit of performing this exercise every day and within just a couple of weeks you should already begin to see your new foreskin developing.

Roger is a ‘personal trainer’ at PenisAdvantage – a site containing a guide that details exactly how any guy can enlarge his penis using natural exercises and techniques, as well as how to improve their sexual performance, restore their foreskin or correct a curve in their erect penis.

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What is the TRUE average penis size and is it possible to enlarge it NATURALLY?

The average penis size has been a “bone” of contention for decades and decades. The reason it’s so frequently debated, argued over and worried about is because the issue affects so many people, male and female. For men, a small penis means possible harassment in gym showers and embarrassment in bed. For women it presents a different problem: its below-average size could well limit their sexual pleasure and at the same time inhibit the man’s confidence so much that his sexual performance could also be unsatisfactory.

It’s really no wonder penis size, and the average length and girth of the male anatomy, is talked about so much – by millions of people all over the world, of both sex, it’s almost considered a yardstick for a guy’s manhood. A small penis is bad, while a big, thick penis is good – the line has been clearly drawn in the sand, regardless of whether it’s right or wrong. I’ll tell you right now what the average size is. Forget about the average penis sizes of different races; even if there is a slight difference it won’t affect you much. Here’s the only figure that might: the average size is about 5 and 3 quarter inches in erect length. The average girth is about 5 inches around (which might sound a lot, but wrap a fabric tape measure around your own and it’ll seem much more modest).

Thing is, knowing those numbers doesn’t put most men at ease and I doubt it has you. Why? Because it doesn’t change anything. Yeah, you might be half an inch bigger than average, or perhaps an inch thicker down below than most other guys, but that feeling of inadequacy, of wanting more, is probably still there. It’s completely natural, too. Let’s say you’re 6 and a half inches long when erect, knowing you’re an inch and a bit bigger than average is great, right? But at the very same time, you know lots of guys have 7, 8 or 9 inch penises – how great would that be? And that right there is the true subject of this article. Forget averages, let’s talk enlargement.

Right off the bat, natural penis enlargement (that is, making your penis longer and thicker without surgery, without pills and without crazy suction devices) is completely possible. Instead of telling you how it is or why it works, I’ll describe how you can see for yourself how truly achievable new penis growth is. Let’s look at a technique called a ‘Dry Jelq’ – it’s used to target new, permanent growth in the thickness of your erect AND flaccid penis.

Step 1. Get a 40-50% erection, no more, no less.

Step 2. Create a circle using the thumb and forefinger of your right hand. It should look like the ‘OK’ sign people make when they want to signal something’s good or acceptable. Your other fingers (middle, ring and pinky) should be outstretched.

Step 3. Firmly grip the base of your penis using the ‘OK’ sign and slowly move your grip upwards towards the head of your penis. Don’t slide over the skin. Instead, focus on keeping your fingers on top of the same area of flesh all the time, while still sliding up and along the shaft. Think of it like the motion used when milking a cow. The blood in your penis is forced up towards and into the head.

Step 4. After you’ve milked from the base to just below where the head of your penis starts, release your grip. You’ve completed one repetition or ‘rep’. Do 20-30 reps for your first session and increase it to 50 once you’ve been doing it a couple of weeks.

The Dry Jelq is just one technique of dozens that have been specially designed and tested and that truly work, with a little bit of patience and practice, at increasing the size of your penis. After using dry jelqs for a couple of weeks you’ll already notice that your penis hangs heavier and lower day-to-day and that it feels more weighty and solid when you’re hard. Using this and the other fundamental techniques as a routine that you do a couple of times a week, you can not only TRULY forget about averages but also forget about BEING average.

Roger is a ‘personal trainer’ at PenisAdvantage – a site containing a complete guide that details exactly how any guy can enlarge his penis using natural exercises and techniques.

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