The short answer to this question is yes. But to know more about exactly what a penis enhancement exercise
can do and how you can maximize the impact of this activity, it pays to
know a bit more about what really happens when you do these exercises.
Penis enhancement exercises are natural techniques used by millions
of men worldwide to gradually but permanently increase the length and/or
the girth of their penis. It’s said to work by stimulating the growth
of new cells in your penis, particularly in the corpora cavernosa. When
new cells are created and added to it, it increases the length and the
girth of your penis.
The corpora cavernosa are 2 chambers that run the length of your
penis. These chambers fill with blood during arousal and give you an
erect penis. These chambers are also responsible for the size and the
thickness of your penis when erect.
Aside from stimulating your corpora cavernosa, penis enhancement
exercises also target the pubococcygeus muscle, also knows as the PC
muscle. This is the muscle that’s responsible for controlling your
ejaculate. By strengthen this muscle, you also enhance your sexual
performance by helping you increase your staying power.
Just like with exercising other parts of our bodies, stimulating and
exercising the various tissues and muscles in and around the penis can
also bring a lot of other advantages besides the main one – which in
increasing penis size.
One benefit is it improves the circulation of blood in the area. And
with improved circulation, you can expect erections that are harder,
stronger and that last longer. Through exercise, some men have also
reported better control of their ejaculation, which is sure to massively
increase pleasure and satisfaction in the bedroom.
To get started, here is a sample exercise that you can do. I call
this exercise “The Towel Lift”. For this exercise, you will need a light
flannel wash cloth and 15 minutes of privacy.
Step #1: Get yourself to a full erection.
Step #2: Place the wash cloth on top of and near the base of your erect penis.
Step #3: Flex your penis so it lifts the towel a little, then relax it, bringing the towel back to its original position.
Ideally, you should do up to 25 repetitions at a time, and do this
exercise every other day. However, at first, you may need to work
yourself up until you reach the necessary PC muscle strength to be able
to manage 25 reps. Don’t strain yourself. Do as many reps as you can
initially. As you continue to work out your PC muscles, soon you’ll be
able to do 25 reps without breaking a sweat.
It is important though that the exercises you do are really safe.
After all, you don’t want to risk injury to this area of your anatomy.
Before you try any exercise, make sure it comes from a reputable and
trusted source. Make sure, too, that the exercises are tried and tested
to be both safe and effective.
One source you can check out is PenisAdvantage.
This award winning site offers effective and safe penis exercise
strategies and amazing support for men who are looking to enhance their
package and improve sexual strength and stamina. It’s definitely worth a